# author by klion
# 2017.12.25
# Real-time monitoring of Web Directory script
oldnum=`wc -l web_history_db.log | awk -F " " '{print $1}'`
newnum=`find $web_dir -type f | wc -l`
md5num=`md5sum -c web_history_db.log | grep -i FAILED | wc -l`
# 先对指定的站点目录创建指纹库
[ ! -f web_history_db.log ] && {
find $web_dir -type f | xargs md5sum > ./web_history_db.log
# 和新文件对比指纹,如果发现不对,就马上发信通知,并带上被改动的文件路径一起
[ $md5num -ne 0 ] && {
md5sum -c web_history_db.log | grep -i "FAILED" | awk -F ":" '{print $1}' > web_mod_`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S`.web.log
log_file=`ls -l *.web.log | head -n 1 | awk -F " " '{print $9}'`
mail -s "Your website may be hacked, Please check it as soon as possible" klion@protonmail.com < $log_file;sleep 5
rm -fr $log_file
# 对比文件个数,发现不对,同样是立马发信,因为有可能要同时监控很多个站点目录,所以就顺便把具体的站点路径也带上了
[ $oldnum -ne $newnum ] && {
echo "website directory is $web_dir" | mail -s "web directory have new file created " klion@protonmail.com ;sleep 5